Saturday, December 28, 2013

Almost the end

Christmas is done and New Years is almost here. How on earth did that happen? I had a bit of a fall down go boom in the Peter's of Kensington sale and then had a few other bits and bobs follow me home whilst out and about this weekend. I haven't included any gifts in the tally because that would be way too confusing with the ins and outs and my poor little brain would explode. Today I started on the craft room, which is why there is so many outs. I hadn't realised how bad it was in there, which is daft because I've just been tossing stuff in there for the last 2 months. I got the yarn corner wrangled and have put any WIPs into a blue canvas bag, so I know to go hunting in there when I finish a project. My goal is to get it sorted out before the New Year because it would be lovely to start 2014 with my craft room under control. I think it's been really good keeping the blog for the last few months. It's helped me think very seriously about what I'm purchasing and if I actually need it, as well as getting rid of stuff I just don't use. It feels good being able to tally up all my ins and outs and seeing that yes, most weeks I am actually slowing chipping away at my stuff problem. It's also helping me appreciate the things I do have. I'm making that conscious effort to think about if there's something I've already got that I can use. So I want to continue this in 2014. I'm aiming to get to a point where I'm not buying things I don't need just because I can.
 My other 2014 goals:
* get my orange star in derby
* money into my home savers account most pays
* knit at least 3 Christmas presents from stash
* start my Cert 4 in Practice Management or other health admin related qualification
* get more designs done and published
 * only 5 ins between now and when we go to Japan in March. Ins in this case count as anything that is not a necessity
* complete any WIPs in the WIP bag from this year
* react less to when my mother annoys me
* forward career movement

 In: 25
Out: 50
 In: 41
Out: 109

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