Sunday, October 20, 2013


So last weekend we went interstate for my Nana's 70th birthday. On the Saturday we went to one of my favourite shopping centers and on the Sunday we went in to the city to shop. And I did really well! I bought yarn and the buttons I'd been hunting for for the jumper I'm knitting. It has 2 large buttons on the front and a smaller button on each sleeve and I actually managed to find the 2 sizes in IDENTICAL BUTTONS! All in all I did very well and didn't actually buy anything else. This week I bought a dress for my Halloween costume and a pair of socks because Sugar Skulls! Mum accidentally broke one of our slow cookers this week, so I'm counting that as an out. We had 2 because one of them was huge and bought at a cheap shop when I was a uni student pretending to live out of home. Then this year our rice cooker died and so we replaced it with a fancy device that cooks rice, risotto, sears/sautees and slow cooks because it matched the kettle. We were never quite sure what to do with it because it was big and was useful often enough we didn't want to get rid of it. This weekend I had plans to go through my drawers and find all the sportswear I have that I don't wear for whatever reason and then promptly got an evil bug of doom that stopped me going to derby and meant that I spent more time sleeping and less time sifting through things than planned. In the following week I plan to go through the DVD and book collection and take them to 2nd game/book places. I try to do this every year or 2 to par down the number of books I collect, read once and then banish to the shelves. I'm realising I should perhaps do this to the dvd collection too because there are things in there that I look at go I don't even... So that's where we're up to. Nothing of significance really in or out this past fortnight, a few small bits and pieces out. I'm slowly starting to wrangle this mess.
In: 2
Out: 5
In: 12
Out: 19

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