Sunday, January 19, 2014

Forgetful much?!

Oops! I forgot to blog. Not a lot has been happening here. I have however reached 2/5 ins before March. So I need to be more careful if I want to stick to this! The weekend just got we went to Oberon for a long weekend. I did something I wouldn't normally do. Rather than buying some sort of souvenir of the trip, I got us tickets to go caving. So no ins from the weekends. The in happened in a sewing store the other weekend, as I have a project I want to make and didn't have heavy enough fabric.  
I feel like things are pretty stagnant around here. Mum had surgery last week and I know when Nana leaves in a week, things are going to get pretty busy around here because Mum won't be able to drive for a while. The other thing that is happening is job hunting. There aren't really career progression opportunities where I am or any more real opportunities for professional development, so I spent this morning working on selection criteria and cleaning. I find job hunting to be one of the most heart breaking and demoralising experiences.  I really struggle with writing out selection criteria, because I am much better and saying how good I am at things than writing it. So it seems to be a game of spending hours and hours working on the damned things and either not hearing back or getting a form rejection letter. In the past, if I did get an interview I was either told I was over-qualified with my glorified arts degree or didn't have enough experience.So here's hoping something awesome comes along with opportunities to progress and also more money, because frankly I don't know how I will ever come up with a house deposit at this rate and it's all driving me mad. Husband is all yay I've saved many dollars and I'm all well I managed to pay the bills.

In: 1
In: 43
Out: 134

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The come to Jesus Moment

So I'm 3 hours into what I thought was a simple job. I was going to swap the plates and appliances over so I could get the new appliances in and put away and then do a quick rearrange of the tupperware cupboard because it was getting unruly and someone (husband anyone?) put the floor and rice jars we'd been given into the tupperware cupboard before I could put them in the front room until I reorganised the pantry. I am surrounded by plant pots, empty jars, old sauce bottles, chocolate molds and multiple sets of measuring cups and am faced with a dilemma. How useful are the things I'm keeping because they are useful if I never, ever use them? So far I've thrown out containers with damaged lids, damaged containers, anything that is damaged beyond repair or repair I am willing to carry out, but still there is so much stuff. I have a pile of lids (I know right, lids?!) that will be tossed once I've confirmed I don't have the container stashed somewhere else. I'm trying to decide just how many icing sets I need (I do actually use them, but again, so many?), which sets of measuring spoons and cups I will keep (why do I need 4?). It's interesting sitting on the floor in the middle of my stuff trying to work out why I have it. Update from earlier: I threw out the lids, the bent ice cube trays and chocolate molds, but kept the icey pole maker.

In: 1
Out: 24
In: 42
Out: 133