Thursday, September 12, 2013

Nail Polish counts

So last weekend I sat down to swatch my nail polishes (means I do them once every week at least every few days rather than do a mani and decide actually not so much) and realised I had more than I could wear in a year if I changed the colour every week. To that end, nail polish counts. 1 in, 1 out. Still excluding top and base coats, because they do work on an in and out basis. I run out, I buy a new one. So week one was a bit slow. I have a pretty nasty shoulder injury, so I've been avoiding anything that could cause jarring/further injury. I did manage to completely empty a set of plastic drawers in the front room that was bought to keep my WIPs in that then turned into somewhere to hide things though. Also the cat has stolen a pair of my glasses. Does that count as an out:P
Week One's totals:
In: 5
Out: 8

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

One in, One out

So I have a stuff problem. Every week more things follow me home, but things don't seem to be outgoing. Aside from the fact that this is an expensive exercise in materialism, it's also creating a lot of unnecessary clutter. I am going to attempt 1 month of One In, One Out. My parameters: - Household items are not included, unless they are duplicates. So a blender is not included, because we don't have, but a slow cooker would be. - Yarn is not included. In the last 18 months I have bought 6 skeins of yarn that were not for a project that was started almost immediately once the yarn was obtained. Yarn oddly enough is not an issue for me. - Nail polish is not included at this point, unless I have managed to buy a second bottle in the same colour (base and top coats are not included) - Craft supplies (other than yarn) these only count if they are not for a specific project and will be consumed in their entirety over the course of the project. For example, 6 buttons purchased for a sweater do not counter, 6 buttons bought because they were cute/cheap count. - Small items general bought in multiples: a reasonable quantity will count as 1 item, so a project number of buttons total 1 item, not multiple items - Clothes totally count. I have an embarrassing amount of clothes and any incoming are to be balanced by outgoing. Socks, tights and underwear count. The only clothes that do not count are clothes purchased for roller derby. I have only just started and am still building up appropriate sports clothes. Clothes are the only place where it matters if incoming and outgoing match. An outgoing book does not match and incoming shirt. - Gifts do not count. Having said that, if they are duplicate of something I already own, one of the duplicates needs to leave. Where possible, incoming items should still result in some kind of outgoing. - DVDs are exempt - Video games are exempt - Finished objects from crafting projects balance themselves out, unless it is being given as a gift and then it becomes an outgoing. It is not counted until it goes out. - 1 Contigo coffee cup is allowed in without being counted to replace the one that was thrown out last week. This is a planned purchase to replace something I use 5 days a week, but haven't had a chance to replace. Any more than 1 counts as incoming. - Technology. Big ticket items are not included. These are only ever purchased as replacements or to fill a "need". Random USB cables on the other hand count. - Food and grocery type items are not included. These are day to day things. Random kitchen things are included. So where will the outgoing go? Items that can re-used by others will be donated to charity, or in the case of books and dvds taken to some kind of exchange. Otherwise they will go in the bin. Goals? Decrease the amount of clutter in my home and put more thought into my purchases. I need to stop buying random junk because it amuses me for thirty seconds. At the end of the month, I would like there to have been more outgoing than incoming. I will endeavor to put a running tally along with any serious achievements made.
So to get started, Day 1. Incoming: 0 Outgoing: 3 Today I cleared out under the coffee table. Some ribbon I wont use, an iPad case that was damaged and a damaged sticky pad were all put in the bin along with a bunch of rubbish I shouldn't have be hiding under the coffee table anyway.